online doctor consultation Singapore

If you want to be on safe search even after unprotected sex and in such cases it is better to use hey there emergency contraceptive pill or monthly pill to be taken as directed by our physician. if you follow the physician instructions then you will be on safe side and for that you should follow your particular procedure.

 The first thing that you have to do is consult a doctor Heather through a call and all these calls are endo to end encrypted so that you need not feel it is insecure. If doctor advice any kind of medicine there will be delivered via secure delivery so that the third person even don’t know.

 This birth control pills are usually used either monthly or on daily basis and there are certain pills which are safe to use even on long term basis and it is always suggested to have a safe sex even if you are using this birth control pills.

If you are looking for the best bills and best doctor online then visit the platform  doctor consultation where doctor Rachel provides you went to start the use of birth control pills and what is the exact procedure to be followed, and she will help you throughout the process from the start to the end.

So my suggestion is even though if you have an unprotected sex don’t get panic and take an appointment from above mentioned site where the call is kept confidential and no other person knows and it is the safest procedure of consulting the doctor.